My name is Amanda Cicola. I have taught American History, World History, Language Arts, College and Career Readiness, 5th Grade, and Read 180. I have worked with students from a variety of backgrounds and age levels, and I have always taught inclusion classes. My practice has changed tremendously over the last nine years. While working on my graduate degree, I took a position as a Preschool Teacher and as a Substitute Teacher. Once I had completed my requirements, I began my first year and second year teaching eighth grade Language Arts and eighth grade American History. For my third and fourth year, I was afforded the opportunity to teach only eighth grade American History and was therefore able to delve even deeper into the planning, execution, and reflection of the efficiency and effectiveness of all activities within the classroom. In addition, I served as the chair for the History Department. For my fifth year, I taught sixth grade World History and eighth grade College and Career Readiness. This is my 13th year in education.
As a result of teaching multiple grade levels and classes, I have learned that I love working with and learning from students of all ages. I find professional development opportunities invaluable, especially working with multiple grade levels and in leadership roles. I believe children are our future, and every child has the ability to learn. I believe that it is vital as an educator and leader to adjust to an ever-changing society. Education is the foundation for the future, and I believe learning is never ending. “Give an elementary student three days, and the student will mirror you. Give a high school student ten days, and the student will mirror you.” (Charles Galloway) I have always had a passion for teaching and learning. I look forward to this upcoming school year and being able to serve Vista Grande High School.