Vista Grande Library is a branch of the City of Casa Grande Public Library. Unlike most school libraries, ours is a public library, managed and operated by the City of Casa Grande. Thus, the requirements of obtaining and the benefits/responsibilities of having a Vista Grande Library card are different than those of a regular school library card. In fact, though the Student ID serves as the library card, the card is also accepted at every public library in Pinal County. What this also means, however, is that student library cards are full-service, without restrictions of any kind. Library cards give patrons access to the public computers (outside the school day). Students may also check out DVD’s, CD’s, and other material commonly available in a public library. Students have access to the library during the school day with a pass from their teacher, during lunch, and after school. Note: VGHS students may not use the computer lab or exit campus through the library during school hours. Students may not enter the VGHS Library through the school after school hours.