Casa Grande Union High School District News Article

Stepping Out From Behind The Counter Award

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(CGUHS) Christian Stewart, Automotive Technologies Teacher, was presented with the Stepping Out From Behind The Counter Award. Principal Dr. Lineberry says that  Mr. Stewart has really turned our program around and has worked diligently to ensure student success. Recently, Mr. Stewart's students worked on a 2001 Ford Lightening pickup truck. The owners said this of Mr. Stewart and his students, "This is an amazing program with an incredible leader. Allowing students hands-on experience with the guidance of a professional and experienced mechanic is extremely impressive. They are learning a skill that could lead to a career full of potential. We are envious of the knowledge that is available to them and wish the same opportunities had been available in high school many years ago and for ALL students across the country currently. I know from personal experience with my own vehicle, the caliber of workmanship and honesty that is exhibited by Mr. Stewart and his students and am grateful for all that they do for our school and community." For more information about CTE Automotive Technologies, visit

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Casa Grande Union High School District #82 prohibits discrimination in employment and educational programs based on race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, military status, genetic test information, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding these laws may be forwarded to the designated compliance coordinator(s), Teena Daniels, District Title IX Coordinator, 1362 N. Casa Grande Ave, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, (520) 316-3360, or [email protected]

El Distrito Casa Grande Union High #82 prohibe la discriminación de empleo y programas educacionales basados en raza, color, religion, sexo, edad, descapacidad, origen nacional, estado militar, información de prueba genetica, orientación sexual o identidad de género, o expresion y provee acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados.

Preguntas, quejas, o solicitudes para información adicional de acuerdo a estas leyes deben ser dirigidas a la coordinadora designada, Teena Daniels, District Title IX Coordinator, 1362 N. Casa Grande Ave, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, (520) 316-3360, [email protected]

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