All medications (except for cough drops) must be brought to the Health Office and a release form signed by a parent/guardian. This includes both prescriptions and over-the-counter medications. Students may carry asthma inhalers, diabetic supplies/insulin, and epinephrine injectors after the Health Office receives a consent form signed by a parent/guardian. All prescription medications must be in the original pharmacy container, labeled with the student’s name, prescription number, name of medication, dosage, and number of times a day to be administered. Non-prescription medications, including dietary supplements, must also be in the original labeled container with information from the parent/guardian as to the date(s), time(s), and amount(s) to be given. School personnel have the authority to administer medications, prescription and non-prescription, to minor students only with written permission from the parent/guardian. Other school-designated personnel may only administer daily medications and emergency medications (asthma inhalers, diabetic supplies/insulin, or epinephrine injectors). Expired medication cannot be administered.