(CGUHS) CTE Engineering students traveled to the University of Arizona to attend The Art of Planetary Science Exhibition, held annually at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. This event celebrates the beauty and elegance of planetary science. The exhibition and satellite events were organized by volunteer students and scientists across multiple institutions to bring the art and science communities together to engage the public. The show presents a multi-faceted view of science and scientists, and it is hoped that the event inspires in others the same passion it inspires in its organizers. Scientists are encouraged to produce artwork for the show that is created from scientific data, or incorporates scientific ideas, to give attendees a new perspective on their work and the universe. Before the evening event began, Arizona Space Grant Consortium arranged a social event to which our students and University of Arizona NASA Space Grant recipients were invited. Our students had the opportunity to enjoy refreshments and to chat in depth with the graduate students, learning more about their remarkable research. Students attending the exhibition were Amaya Fisher, Chloe Gorgue, Melody Limon, and Elias Razo. Further details about the exhibition can be found at https://www.lpl.arizona.edu/art/. The Cougars are instructed by John Morris, CTE Engineering/CTE Software & App Design/Mathematics teacher. Visit the Engineering webpage at www.cguhsd.org/cgEngineering.aspx.