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? CGUHS Announcements 04/20/2023


Moment of silence

General announcement.  

All students attending Prom, don’t forget to bring your school ID to prom!


Spirit week next week for Prom

Thursday: Hippie day

Friday Flower power

Tutoring is cancelled today


CGUHS Student council is sponsoring a sneaker drive all next week. You can drop off new and/or gently used sneakers to the guidance office, bookstore, or Mrs. Brady in F209. Each pair of shoes you donate will earn you a raffle ticket for a drawing for a 100$ gift card to Nike.


Homecoming royalty voting is now open on Blackboard. Voting closes Friday.  


Clubs and Activities

Open cheer gym will be every Tuesday from 6 to 8. For?more information and the waiver available please visit the cheer website at?

Seniors, senior sunset BBQ will be on Friday April 28th starting at 6:30 on the baseball field. All seniors are welcome. BBQ hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, and dessert will be provided. Please bring your own water, soda or sports drink.  

Seniors, please submit your 4 pictures for the senior slide show to be played at graduation. The link to submit is on Blackboard. Please submit 1 senior picture and 3 addition photos from your childhood.  



School Counseling Department:


We are very close to our Senior Awards Ceremony in May! We want to publicly recognize all seniors who have been accepted into trade schools, colleges, universities and the military. We will announce the name of your trade school/college/university and the dollar amount of any scholarships you will receive. Every year, Union students average well over one million dollars! This is a time for YOU, your parents and family members to be celebrated for YOUR hard work and achievements. PLEASE BRING A COPY OF YOUR OFFICIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD LETTER to Mrs. Cruz (glass office) no later than Monday, April 24th. Then, come hear us scream for YOU!

Summer School Registration is now open! Students can take summer school classes to move ahead or recover a failed grade. The first session is Jun 5th - 15th and the second session is June 20th – 29th . Both sessions run from 8 am-1 pm. Transportation is available. Classes will be held at Vista Grande HS. The cost is $30 per session. The deadline to register is May 12th and there will be no exceptions. For questions or registration information, email your school counselor for an appointment.

The Metropolitan Sun AZ Chapter of NCNW will award a $1,000 scholarship to a senior graduating from CGUHS. Please see Mrs. Cruz for an application. The deadline is May 1st.



Thursday 4/20/2023:?

Baseball JV @ Notre Dame Prep JV 2?


Friday 4/21/2023:?

Track @ True Grit Invite?

Softball Varsity VS Casteel (H) 3:45pm Senior Night?

Baseball Varsity @ Casteel (A)??

Softball JV @ Casteel (A)?

Baseball JV VS Casteel (H) 3:45pm?