Casa Grande Union High School District News Article



Good morning, COUGARS! 

Students driving to school and utilizing the student parking lot must have a parking sticker.  Fines of $25.00 will be assessed beginning today. 

Thank you in advance for being responsible. 
Dr. Lineberry 


The counselors want to remind students that there are no new schedule changes without administrator approval. We are happy to help you with the teachers and courses you are currently assigned.  

Seniors: We have two opportunities for you to attend a Discover GCU Trip. This is a chance to experience staying on campus at GCU before starting your freshmen year. The first trip is October 19th-20th.  The second trip is November 9th-10th. If you are interested in attending one of these trips, please see Mr. Brown in the counseling center for a permission packet. If you have questions, see Ms. McCallin in the counseling office. 


Do you know anyone who has ever gotten into a serious accident, and you didn’t know how you can help? Well, here is your chance! We, the students, are sponsoring a BLOOD DRIVE HERE on campus on September 12th. With parents’ permission you can help those that can’t help themselves.  Come to E103 for more details of how you can be a part of the CGUHS BLOOD DRIVE! 


Pay to Participate Fees – ALL Fall athletes go to the bookstore to pay your pay to participate fee. Fees are $60.00 this year.  

Game Tickets - Adults $6.00 Students $4.00 - Tickets may be purchased at the gates for cash or at  there is a $1 service fee when purchasing through go fan.  

ATHLETIC PASSES – Athletic passes may be purchased in the bookstore.  
Student passes $25 (pass will be printed on your ID)  
Family Pass $65 (pass allows up to 5 people in) 

Track Athletes, 
Preseason track practices will be after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays starting Sept 2nd. See Mr. Kieser if more information is needed.  

Boys Basketball (8/30-9/6) No Open Gym today. Next open gym will be Weds Aug 4th from 6-8pm in the main gym here at Union. Any questions please see Coach Howell in room B-104. 

Girls Basketball (8/30-9/6) Open gym Weds August 4th at CGMS Middle School. Any questions please email Coach Smith at [email protected] 


September 3, 2024 - (Tuesday) 

Varsity Boys Golf vs Corona Del Sol & Desert Grande 
Dave White Golf Course (H) 
3:00 pm 

Girls Volleyball vs Desert Sunrise 
Casa Grande Union High School (H) 
4:00 pm - Freshman 
5:00 pm - JV 
6:00 pm - Varsity 

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Our Non-Discrimination Commitment

Casa Grande Union High School District #82 prohibits discrimination in employment and educational programs based on race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, military status, genetic test information, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding these laws may be forwarded to the designated compliance coordinator(s), Teena Daniels, District Title IX Coordinator, 1362 N. Casa Grande Ave, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, (520) 316-3360, or [email protected]

El Distrito Casa Grande Union High #82 prohibe la discriminación de empleo y programas educacionales basados en raza, color, religion, sexo, edad, descapacidad, origen nacional, estado militar, información de prueba genetica, orientación sexual o identidad de género, o expresion y provee acceso a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos juveniles designados.

Preguntas, quejas, o solicitudes para información adicional de acuerdo a estas leyes deben ser dirigidas a la coordinadora designada, Teena Daniels, District Title IX Coordinator, 1362 N. Casa Grande Ave, Casa Grande, AZ 85122, (520) 316-3360, [email protected]

© 2025. Casa Grande Union High School District. All Rights Reserved.
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